No matter how careful you are, losing your key can happen at any time. You may feel frustrated in this situation and be forced to open a locked door without your keys. If you damage the door, you run the risk of having to change the door and lock. Here are some tips on how to open a door without a key.

Use a hairpin to open the door

There are several tricks you can use when faced with a situation where the bedroom is locked and you feel the cruel need to get inside. It could be that you’ve left your phone inside while the door is locked for the last time and the key is nowhere to be found. The question that comes to mind at that moment is: how do you open the door without the key? To open the door without the key, you can use a hairpin. This is an object you can easily find in your bedroom. It’s best suited to opening doors that use a padlock or ordinary lock.

How do I use a hairpin? The principle for opening doors with a hairpin is simple. To begin with, you need to open the object at 90°. Next, you need to cut the object in two. You then need to reinforce the belfry in the lock of your door. This action should be followed by light pressure to keep the pin stable in the lock.

The small metal peg should be placed at the top of the lock. Bearing in mind the direction in which the lock opens, you need to turn the hook by shaking the end of the small dowel. In a moment, you’ll see your door lock unlocked. Forgetting your phone inside or another object can be a reason for unlocking the door.

Using a loyalty or a credit card to open a door without keys

In a situation like this, where you’re wondering how to unlock door locks, the solution may be just around the corner. Do you have a loyalty card? This is a card that can effectively unlock door locks. You may be wondering how this card can be used. To begin with, you need to slide this object over the knob of your door lock. Precisely between the door frame and the door itself. You need to jostle the door slightly by moving the frame and moving back and forth between the top and bottom.

Using a hammer or screwdriver to open a door without a key

Using a hammer should even be the first option, depending on why it’s effective. The principle is to knock on the door handle. Even though it is very safe, using a hammer will damage the lock. The method of using a hammer may leave traces of a large hole.

This hole is often left by damage to the handle. You will therefore have to go to a lock retailer or a locksmith’s shop to renew the equipment. Once you’ve bought a new lock from a locksmith, you’ll also need to contact a locksmith. The locksmith will then replace the new lock. A screwdriver can also be used to open a door.

Finally, opening a door when the keys are lost is no longer a complicated matter. All you need to do is follow a few simple tips. These include the hairpin, the loyalty card and the hammer. Among these tricks, the use of a hammer to open doors is likely to lead you to a company selling locks. You can start by going into your bedroom and taking something you’ve left inside, your phone for example. You can also use a screwdriver to unlock the lock.
